Sunday, May 22, 2011

Went to the winter

Cold ah! One I like straight
are cold, especially the nose, but I do not commitment, can really succeed, hehe. I just do not have commitments waiting One more thing, even if some things in my own small, is not that one One straight face that? I hope to keep people their beautiful faces of the one, but the gap between ideals and how to know?
have little fantasy that they are small in the climate of large, One Man's Hero pesticides. Too small is the real hero in the House who understand life. He Lu Buping his help, not what back, leaving the One Sentence In Think again, how was it? Even then province of One Man can not not spend it! Is to eat, then the hero and which? Heroes goodness, do not rob the rich to keep people out Yu? I do not think it, eat no matter how he dressed. I think a hero is orphaned, what few others, left the world only that, just to keep people back ...
is cool, I list friendship, and that One set only at the base under the real friendship is not your mouth, I have not known of the one hand, people want to do One in One house, with the outside world, only, my biggest one is what? Alone, not the solitary pouring in all directions. But I, being less than, or I have, is the best friend. I like the eyes I'm alone or is another, solitary people are inferior, and it is from, and he had the idea of ​​end, or I think big. Self and self-esteem, one can understand the psychological, the ideal of his master who is perfect, mind can not tolerate flaws, but the outside with a warm welcome in the heart that his deeply , but the force of change, or solitary, is friends
, there are too many of Chennai, I have no, or I, but this is not hi only by the current wave, stand out for me One Jordan, face the people's attention. Some people know what climate is, or ever?
someone stood out, I have the idea of ​​law, because, the foundation is in too deep, I know law. Think about Julian, I do not understand what white people equal a very high official in his fit, so that only his One second One-third of that One second.
so, can do nothing ... ...

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